Adobe Acrobat Imposition Plugin For Acrobat Distiller
Montax imposer is a plugin for Adobe Acrobat 6 or later (not Acrobat Reader). It is a tool for imposition, placing. It is a tool for imposition, placing.
Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker (the Convert To Adobe PDF button in the PDFMaker toolbar/tab) is an add-in that creates PDF files from Microsoft Office applications. This feature installs with Acrobat Professional and Standard.
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• In MS Office 2003 and earlier, PDFMaker uses Adobe PDF Printer to a create a PostScript file. Then, Adobe PDF printer interfaces with the Adobe Acrobat Distiller application to create a PDF file. • In MS Office 2007, 2010, 2016, and 365, PDFMaker uses the AdobePDF Library to convert a Microsoft Office document to PDF. • Acrobat Distiller or Adobe PDF Printer can also be used independently to create PDF files. This document can help you troubleshoot problems that occur when you try to create PDF files from Office applications using Acrobat PDFMaker.
Although this document is specific to Microsoft Word, most of the troubleshooting procedures also apply to Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel. • If the file indicates why Acrobat Distiller couldn't create the PDF file, use the search text box on to search for related documents. For example, if the file lists a PostScript error, troubleshoot the error according to the recommendations in. • If the file doesn't indicate why Acrobat Distiller couldn't create the PDF file, create a Word document that contains only a few words. Then try to create a PDF file from that document using the Adobe PDF printer and the Acrobat Distiller application: • If you can create a PDF file from the new document, the problem could be related to PDFMaker. • If you can't create a PDF file from the new document, use a file from another application. Then try to create a PDF file with Acrobat Distiller.
If the problem occurs with the file from another application, reinstall Acrobat Distiller. If the problem doesn't occur with the file from another application, troubleshoot the specific behavior using the documents listed in Related Content. If you need further assistance, contact Acrobat Technical Support. • If you can't create a PDF file, proceed to.
• If you can create a PDF file, determine which features cause the problem: Enable one feature, and try to create a PDF file. Repeat this process until the problem recurs. Then, create a Word document that contains only a few words. Try to create a PDF file from that document using the same Acrobat PDFMaker settings: • If you can create a PDF file from the new document, the problem is document-specific. • If you can't create a PDF file from the new document, then the feature most recently enabled continues to cause problems. Reinstall Acrobat PDFMaker. If the problem persists, contact.
Do one or more of the following: • Copy and paste the content of the Word document into a new document, and then create the PDF file. • Select all the text in the document, change its font, and then save the document with a new name.
Word rewrites the document, which can eliminate elements that conflict with Acrobat PDFMaker. After you save the document, you can reformat it in the desired font. • If the document was created in a version of Word other than the one you use to create the PDF file, make a small change to the document. Then save it with a new name.
This procedure forces Word to rewrite the document, possibly eliminating any elements that conflict with Acrobat PDFMaker. • If the problem recurs, a conflicting element exists in the new Word document. To further isolate the conflicting element, repeat steps 1-3, and copy half of the second Word document into another new Word document. • If the problem does not occur, a conflicting element exists in the original Word document. To further isolate the problem, repeat steps 1-3, and copy the other half of the original Word document into another new Word document. If both halves of the document convert correctly, close other programs that are running, including the Office application.
Delete.tmp files (often located in the Windows/Temp folder). PDFMaker can conflict with other macros, such as virus checkers or fax software.
If other troubleshooting tasks fail, or if PDFMaker has problems after installing a third-party macro, troubleshoot conflicts with other macros. Macros known to cause incompatibilities include Duden Korrektor Plus 2.0, ViaVoice 10 and earlier, Personal Translator 2002 Office Plus, OfficeReady Stuffit, Leuchter Informatic AG WordPlus, and GoldMine Link to Word. To determine if PDFMaker is conflicting with another macro, delete or deactivate other macros one at a time (refer applicable link below). Then try again to convert a document to a PDF using PDFMaker. If the problem does not recur, contact the manufacturer of that macro. If you resolve the issue when you use the /a switch to start Word, remove each of the components that load during Word startup. Remove these components one at a time in the order that they appear in Word.