Asreml Download Free
In Description Assists in automating the testing of terms in mixed models when 'asreml' is used to fit the models. Also used to display, in tables and graphs, predictions obtained using any model fitting function and to explore differences between predictions. The content falls into the following natural groupings: (i) Data, (ii) Object manipulation functions, (iii) Model modification functions, (iv) Model testing functions, (v) Model diagnostics functions, (vi) Prediction production and presentation functions, (vii) Response transformation functions, and (viii) Miscellaneous functions. A history of the fitting of a sequence of models is kept in a data frame. Procedures are available for choosing models that conform to the hierarchy or marginality principle and for displaying predictions for significant terms in tables and graphs.
Assists in automating the testing of terms in mixed models when 'asreml' is used to fit the models. Also used to display, in tables and graphs, predictions obtained using any model fitting function and to explore differences between predictions. The content falls into the following natural groupings. Home Downloads. Free for use in education worldwide. Of GenStat is a special, free version of GenStat for Windows, designed to cover the.
The 'asreml' package provides a computationally efficient algorithm for fitting mixed models using Residual Maximum Likelihood. It is a commercial packages that can be purchased from 'VSNi' as 'asreml-R', who will supply a zip file for local installation/updating. It is not needed for functions that are methods for 'alldiffs' and 'data.frame' objects. The package 'asremPlus' can also be installed from. Version: NA Date: NA Index (i) Data Wheat.dat Data for an experiment to investigate 25 varieties of wheat.
WaterRunoff.dat Data for an experiment to investigate the quality of water runoff over time (ii) Object manipulation as.alldiffs Forms an alldiffs.object from the supplied predictions, along with those statistics, associated with the predictions and their pairwise differnces, that have been supplied. Asrtests Pseudonym for as.asrtests.
As.asrtests Forms an asrtests.object that stores (i) a fitted asreml object, (ii) a pseudo-anova table for the fixed terms and (iii) a history of changes and hypthesis testing used in obtaining the model. As.predictions.frame Forms a predictions.frame from a data.frame, ensuring that the correct columns are present. FacCombine.alldiffs Combines several factors into one in the components of an alldiffs.object. Is.alldiffs A single-line function that tests whether an object is of class alldiffs. Is.asrtests A single-line function that tests whether an object is of class asrtests.
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Is.predictions.frame A single-line function that tests whether an object is of classes predictions.frame and data.frame. Print.alldiffs Prints the values in an alldiffs.object in a nice format.
Print.asrtests Prints the values in an asrtests.object. Print.predictions.frame Prints the values in a predictions.frame, with or without title and heading. Prints a Wald or pseudoanova table.
Sort.alldiffs Sorts the components of an alldiffs.object according to the predicted values associated with a factor. Subset.alldiffs Subsets the components in an alldiffs.object according to the supplied condition. ValidAlldiffs Checks that an object is a valid alldiffs.object. ValidAsrtests Checks that an object is a valid asrtests.object. ValidPredictionsFrame Checks that an object is a valid predictions.frame. (iii) Model modification changeTerms.asrtests Adds and drops the specified sets of terms from one or both of the fixed or random model and/or replaces the residual (rcov) model with a new model. Newfit.asreml Refits an asreml model with modified model formula using either a call to 'update.asreml' or a direct call to 'asreml'.
ReparamSigDevn.asrtests Reparamterizes each random (deviations) term involving 'devn.fac' to a fixed term and ensures that the same term, with 'trend.num' replacing 'devn.fac', is included if any other term with 'trend.num' is included in 'terms'. Rmboundary.asrtests Removes any boundary or singular variance components from the fit stored in 'asreml.obj' and records their removal in an asrtests.object. Allows the setting of bounds and initial values for terms in the 'random' and 'residual' arguments of an 'asreml' call. (iv) Model testing chooseModel.asrtests Determines the set of significant terms taking into account hierarchy or marginality relations and records the tests performed in an asrtests.object. GetTestPvalue.asrtests Gets the p-value for a test recorded in the test.summary data.frame of an asrtests.object. InfoCriteria.asreml Computes AIC and BIC for a model.