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Full fle at hps:// hps:// Test Bank for Fundamentals of Multinational Finance 5th Edition by Moffett Complete downloadable file at: Multiple Choice and True/ False Questions!! Financial 'lobali#ation and $isk 1) Which of the following firms are NOT considered to be multinational enterprises MN!s) e'en if the# ha'e operations in more than one countr#$%) for&profit companies ') non&for&profit organi(ations C) non&go'ernment organi(ations NOs) *) all of the abo'e ma# be considered MN!s%nswer+ * *iff+ 1 Topic+ 1,1 Financial lobali(ation and -is. .ill+ -ecognition 0) '-2C is a term coined in 0331 0 331 to refer to a group of countries at about the same stage of ad'anced economic de'elopment, The '-2C countries are%) 'elgium4 -omania4 2tal#4 and Canada, ') 'ra(il4 -ussia4 2ndia4 and China, C) 'ritain4 -omania4 2srael4 and Colombia, *) 'ra(il4 -ussia4 2tal#4 and Chile,%nswer+ ' *iff+ 1 Topic+ 1,1 Financial lobali(ation and -is.

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