Megaman Battle Network Chrono X Gba Rom
Many, many thanks to KilikTheGemKing for editing this wonderful trailer. Check him out at: and This is the trailer for the Multiplayer segment for Chrono X. We toiled away, rewrote the entire game quite a few times, but we're finally here. You can now enjoy NetBattling against your friends in a PvP environment, and enjoy the continuation of our awesome story.
Apr 10, 2018 - ==*DEMO 4.0.1 (PC) AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD!!*== This totals about 4-6 hours of playtime. Yes, the first two chapters. Chrono X is the WIP fully fan-made 7th entry in the Mega Man Battle Network series. Try out the demo via the button below, and be sure to involve yourself in the project!
The Android version will come sometime after the 18th, but the PC will be on time. That release date at the end? We've made changes to our development pipeline, so future updates will be more transparent and frequent. To keep checking for updates, see the links below: Website: Discord: Twitter: Facebook: Deviantart.