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I am a member of the research faculty (assistant research scientist) at the University of Maryland, associated with the Computer Vision Lab and the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. I received my doctoral degree in Computer Science at the University of Maryland, College Park, with Prof. Larry Davis as my advisor. I completed my B.S. Degrees at Penn State University with Prof. Octavia Camps as my research advisor. Research interests: I am interested in high-level commonsense reasoning about the visual world in the face of observation and model uncertainty. Rukovodstvo po ekspluatacii nissan h trejl t32.
Ultimately, I would like to build a system that can answer complex visual queries that are expressed linguistically and are not known ahead of time. This involves investigating knowledge representations that manage the trade-off between expressiveness and computational complexity; learning rich spatial and temporal models while managing the trade-off between the amount of model structure, training data, and supervision; and, reducing uncertainty in mid- and low-level computer vision techniques. My interests lie at the intersection of computer vision, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Click on a topic to see related publications: computer vision -,,,; artificial intelligence -,; machine learning -,,,,.
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