Software Antrian

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What do we have for startups - G Suites (Google Apps) subscription for a year @ Rs.1500/user/year. - Adjutas (helpdesk & asset management software) subscription free for a year. - Antrian (sales management software) subscription free for a year. - Featured interview on our blog and email newsletter going out to 1000 + subscribers. Diablo 2 level 99 druid download.


- We are Adjutas Cloud Technology Pvt. - Adjutas is a premier Google partner in South India. - We also have our own products like Adjutas and Antrian in the market. - We are also a startup and understand what startups need. Why should you subscribe to G Suites through Adjutas? Features G Suites with Adjutas G Suites with Google Rs.1500/user/year ✔ ✔ User Training ✔ ✘ Local Support ✔ ✘ Adjutas Subscription ✔ ✘ Antrian Subscription ✔ ✘ The Deal ✔ Your startup needs to be in its early days of business. ✔ You need to have a website through which we can learn more about your product and services.

✔ We'll ask you for an interesting story about your business - how you got started, what do you do, who are your customers and how is your business going to change the world. ✔ If chosen you should be able to provide us with a high resolution image of your founders/company and answer any follow up questions that we may have (so we can feature you).

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