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Serbian Dinar (CSD) and Croatian Kuna (HRK) Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator. The Serbian Dinar is also known as Serbe Dinar. The symbol for HRK can be written HRK. The Croatian Kuna is divided into 100 lipas. The exchange rate for the Serbian Dinar was last updated on August 24, 2018 from Yahoo Finance. Daily -bitkoina-bitcoin-cash-protiv-lighting-network-kto-pobedit.html 2018-08-24T08:32:00+03:00 daily. -projti-obuchenie-forex-v-online-rezhime.html 2018-08-06T12:48:00+03:00 daily.
The Serbian Dinar is the currency in Serbia (RS, SRB). The Croatian Kuna is the currency in Croatia (Hrvatska, HR, HRV). The Serbian Dinar is also known as Serbe Dinar.
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The symbol for HRK can be written HRK. The Croatian Kuna is divided into 100 lipas. The exchange rate for the Serbian Dinar was last updated on March 10, 2019 from Yahoo Finance. The exchange rate for the Croatian Kuna was last updated on March 10, 2019 from Yahoo Finance. The CSD conversion factor has 5 significant digits. The HRK conversion factor has 4 significant digits.