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Midway through last year, Craft Brew Alliance (CBA) launched an innovation initiative aimed at testing the viability of, and consumer demand for, non-traditional alcoholic beverages that play on the fringes of the beer category. Today, the Portland-headquartered craft beer company – which owns the Kona, Widmer Brothers, Redhook, Omission, Square Mile, Cisco Brewers, Appalachian Mountain Brewery and Wynwood labels – announced that its so-called “pH Experiment” has become a standalone business unit.
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Tennis news, commentary, results, stats, audio and video highlights from ESPN. XTools AGP is a new add-in for the ArcGIS Pro application. Initially provided with a fewer tools and features it will represent broader functionality of the popular XTools Pro extension to ArcGIS for Desktop extending ArcGIS Pro and facilitating transition to this new GIS application for the end-users.