Coats 1010 Tire Changer Manual
Mar 19, 2012 Changing a tire with a Coats 10-10. Skip navigation Sign in. Coats 10-10 tire changer deckvete. Harbor Freight Tire Changer Pittsburgh Automotive Balancer Mojolever Tire Tool.
I am putting up for sale a 10/10 Coats Tire Changer that I have personally owned since the early 80's. This machine is perfect and needs nothing it comes complete. A little cleaning and a coat or two of paint and this machine would look like new. It is completely air operated. I am asking $300 for it.
I am in the central New Jersey area. Shipping is up to you if interested. This item can also be picked up and I will deliver it free up to 25 miles. I am a automotive parts wholesaler and this machine was owned by a former customer who retired from the business. He had a two man shop at the time. This machine really never had a hard life and since I have owned it was used for my own personal vehicles.
Hey Sebring, How are things going? Didn't expect to hear from you especially this time of year. I was going to give you a shout but remembered you are quite busy from January through the month of April. Bill is a CPA accountant in case anyone is in need of his services in the Sarasota area. Bill is telling you the truth I did sell him a 20/20 Coats last year and after 6 months of trying to figure a cheap way of shipping it out to him me and the wife decided to take a road trip down to Florida and while there delivered the 20/20 Coats right to Bills door. Not only did we get to have a decent vacation we got to meet some really nice people in Bill and his wife Sandie.
We are hoping to take another trip down there for a vacation later this year in the same month of October and hope to see Bill and his wife again while staying there. I still have the Coats 10/10 Coats tire machine for sale. Haven't tried to sell it anywhere else but on this forum. These machines are getting harder and harder to find in the shape this one is in and it beats having to run to your local garage everytime you need to get a tire changed. The only reason for my selling this is because I am a automotive parts distributor and got involved with selling newer machines and because of it took on a newer machine for a demo. I am only asking $300 for the Coats 10/10 and will consider all reasonable offers. Need a vacation in L.A.?I always could use a vacation. Rukovodstvo po remontu avtomobilya daihatsu applause.
Don't take them very often. To far for me to drive though. Its to bad you are so far away, the machine is really a good deal for the money. If you know of any truckers coming out my way I could meet up with them and the machine. Check around you never know. I had my Street Rod body and frame shipped to me on the back of a Tractor Trailer hauling produce.
This was done on two different occasions. A friend of mine has a brother inlaw who runs produce back and forth from Florida to New Jersey so I got a real good deal. So you never know if you don't ask around I know. The 10/10 Coats is still up for sale. The forum member who told me he was taking the tire machine on this forum is backing out do to shipping. We had a deal, he told me he was going to come and pick it up on his own but then changed his mind and wanted it shipped and now has given up on that idea. This Coats Tire Machine is well worth the money I am asking for it.
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